Margot Robbie Diet For Harley Quinn

When it comes to diet and exercise, Margot Robbie is down-to-earth: she doesn’t believe in 24/7 deprivation or hours of exercise to keep her in shape between movie roles.

Last month, the Suicide Squad star even admitted that when she’s not prepping for a part, she’s a burger and wine kind of girl.


“I get miserable if I don’t eat. I can’t just have a salad every day and a half a glass of wine every second day. I can’t do it, ” she says.

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When she needs to get in shape, Margot turns to personal trainer to the stars David Higgins, whose book The Hollywood Body Plan promises we can all get healthy and strong in just 21 days, with just 21 minutes a day of exercise.

London-based Aussie David also helped shape the bodies of other stars such as Claudia Schiffer, Samuel L. Jackson, Colin Firth, Naomi Campbell and Nigella Lawson.

His film credits include Wonder Woman, Mission Impossible: Fallout and Justice League. “Working with celebrities... is no different, ’ David tells. ‘They need to put in the hours at the gym... The difference with celebrities is that there is usually a deadline!”

Margot Robbie's Diet And Workout Routine

“I feel like my body looks better if I get more sleep rather than an hour at the gym. If I have the time, I like dance classes – it doesn’t feel like exercise to me. Or just playing sports with friends. Sometimes I play tennis, even though I’m not that good, ” she explains.

His 21-day workout rules are: Don’t compound any existing injuries or create new ones when you have posture-related issues or a sedentary lifestyle.

“You’re taking posture damage by sitting down for too long during the day into a gym and loading it with weights or running with it. You are compounding an already dysfunctional operating system, ” explains David in his book.

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Do take it slow and work on slow strengthening. “What you actually need is to get back to basics and reset the fundamentals: your posture, your way of moving, your way of being, ” David says.

Faye James is a regular contributor at New Idea, WHO and Practical Parenting and works across health, beauty, celebrity and royal content. She has over 20 years of experience spanning across the UK, Middle East and Australia.Margot Robbie’s workout for ‘Suicide Squad’ got her in shape to play Harley Quinn. The 26-year-old knew the role would require her to look good, especially in tight clothing. Margot Robbie’s workout routine consisted of high-intensity cardio sessions and weight training. Robbie tapped personal trainer Andie Hecker for help. Together, they shaped her into playing the bubblegum-smacking, ‘anti-hero’ known as Harley Quinn.

Miranda Kerr and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley. Personal trainer Andie Hecker put together a 2-3 hour workout. To turn the Harley Quinn actress into an angelic super-villain. Knowing that Margo Robbie’s body was going to be on full display Andie Hecker told

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Ditching the traditional cardio machines, Margot Robbie uses 1 hour (HIIT) high-intensity cardio circuits. She combines her cardio with “Crazy 8” strength routines and gun-handling choreography. Having a ballet background, trainer Andie Hecker incorporates rebounders and balance balls into her workouts for women. The goal of these fast-paced workouts is to lose weight while having fun. By constantly changing things up, you tax your body harder while keeping things fun.

We tried on every variation of costume. I cannot emphasize enough how many outfits and how many variations of Harley Quinn we tried. I really love where we ended up…Maybe in the sequels, we’ll go with the court jester one. I think there’s a world of possibilities. Margot Robbie Cardio Routine

The challenge is to go from one exercise to the next exercise without rest. When you’re done with 1 circuit you get to finally rest for 1 minute. Then, repeat the circuit 3-4 more times. Along with these circuits, Robbie also does the “Ballet Bodies” and other Pilates workouts that her trainer has helped make famous.

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If I’m in L.A., I go see Andie Hecker. She used to be a ballerina, and she incorporates ballet techniques with Pilates. Though I live in London, I end up in L.A. all the time for work.


She’s a machine when it comes to jumping. Other people would drop off, but she kept going. It’s challenging to keep up that level of intensity, but Margot Robbie just powered through it! Margot Robbie Workout Routine

The Margot Robbie workout routine was developed to transform the glamorous beauty. Her new physique had to fit a bubble-gum-chewing, bat-swinging villain. Knowing she’d be wearing short shorts, Margot Robbie also told her trainer she wanted a bigger butt. Robbie knew strength training was required to accomplish these goals. Also, she did most of the Harley Quinn stunts in Suicide Squad without a stunt double.

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. After winning the role of Harley Quinn, she knew it meant it was finally time to prove herself. So, Margot Robbie developed a strength routine to attain her workout goals. Robbie says she enjoys playing the unapologetic, anti-hero, but needed a workout to go along with it. As a super-villain, she wanted to improve her stature with an arms workout.

Margot Robbie became a fan of the Crazy 8 Routine. This is where you do 8 different exercises back-to-back. It’s often used by bodybuilders, who need to get in shape fast. Robbie had the Crazy 8 Routine tailored to her, she says:

They did so by decreasing her weight, and increasing the number of reps. This helps keep a woman’s body long and lean. Her trainer spoke with

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Bodyweight Squats: Robbie started out with 4 sets of 20 bodyweight squats. Over time, she even added weight by holding a dumbbell between her legs. Other days, she would do wall squats while sitting on a Bosu Ball.

Weighted Arabesques: Margot Robbie would do 4 sets of 20 reps per side. Her trainer says she does this exercise while wearing a 5 pound ankle weight. These leg kicks helps tone your legs and butt. Don’t fret over the word ‘arabesque.’ It just means keep your leg straight throughout the exercise.


Tricep Extensions: Using a dumbbell, Robbie would do 3-4 sets of 25 reps per arm behind her back. If you prefer a triceps machine, you can do both arms at once. Personal trainer, Andie Hecker, says Margot Robbie used a 5 pound dumbbell for this exercise. Lift your arm high into the air, then slowly let the weight fall behind you. Feel the burn as you tone your arms.

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Lateral Raises: Lift both arms straight out from your torso, to above your shoulders. Robbie does 30 reps with 3-5 pound weights.

Lateral Circles: Once you’ve done 30 lateral raises, it’s time to do lateral circles. Robbie does 20 circles going forward, and another 20 reps going backwards.

Bicep Curls: When playing a villain, you’ve got to add bicep curls to your routine. To keep her arms long and lean, Robbie stuck to her 5 pound dumbbell for 20 reps, each arm.

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Tabletop Crunches: ‘Tabletop’ is simply a variation where you raise your legs like a tabletop. The kicker is you then extend your legs to that your shins point upwards. Aim at least to ‘make a tabletop.’ But, go even higher, toward the ceiling if you can. This will work the lower abs especially. Perform as many as you can, up to 25 reps. Using a Pilates reformer, Margo has the option of adding resistance to this exercise.

Clamshells: Margo Robbie would finish her workout with 25 reps of this inner and outer thigh exercise. She would use a Pilates Reformer to work both areas. In your gym, the Leg Abductor machine is another alternative to doing Clamshells. If you don’t have a Pilates Reformer, but want to work your inner and outer thighs, take a look at Natalie Portman’s Black Swan trainer.

Margo Robbie says she hates to diet. So, she does so in moderation. She cuts back a bit while filming, but the 5’6″ 26-year-old Australian really just relies on exercise. She told


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I get miserable if I don’t eat. I can’t just have a salad every day, and a half a glass of wine every other day. I won’t do it!

So, when it comes to Margo Robbie’s diet…it doesn’t exist, at least in terms of depriving herself of anything. Instead, she’s a total fan of eating what she wants and burning off those calories in the gym. Although she has been spotted jogging, and even surfing (she’s Australian), Margo Robbie says her favorite:I think it’s taken this long to post a Harley Quinn work…I mean Margot Robbie workout routine because of the fact that her good looks are actually intimidating…

Unless you guys have been living under a rock, you guys probably know that Margot Robbie is a young Australian actress that have been in huge films like

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Which brings us to her awesome portrayal of Harley Quinn. I mean, c’mon, even if you didn’t like the movie you could still agree she did an awesome freakin’ job…

Alright, I’m just going to go out on a limb here and point out that she’s right around my height, and