Dschungel-Findelkind Tarzan ist wieder da. Der Stoff von Edgar Rice Burroughs ist ein Klassiker und wurde schon etliche Male verfilmt - auch als Zeichentrickfilm. Der Schwede Alexander Skarsgård (39, 'True Blood') reiht sich in eine lange Darsteller-Liste ein, auf der auch Johnny Weissmüller und Christopher Lambert zu finden sind. Regisseur David Yates (52, 'Harry Potter und die Heiligtümer des Todes - Teil 2') beginnt seinen Film da, wo die meisten bisher aufgehört haben.
Vor Jahren hat der als Tarzan bekannte Brite (Alexander Skarsgård) den afrikanischen Dschungel verlassen, um als adliger John Clayton, Lord Greystoke, mit seiner geliebten Frau Jane (Margot Robbie) ein standesgemäßes Leben zu führen. Jetzt wird er vom Parlament als Sonderbotschafter für Handelsfragen zurück in den Kongo geschickt, ohne zu ahnen, dass er nur als Schachfigur in einem tödlichen Komplott aus Rache und Habgier dienen soll - eingefädelt hat es der Belgier Leon Rom (Christoph Waltz). Andererseits begreifen auch die Drahtzieher dieses mörderischen Plans nicht im Mindesten, welche Lawine sie damit ins Rollen bringen...
Der neue Ansatz bringt durchaus frischen Wind in die Geschichte von Tarzan. Zu sehen, wie der korrekte Lord Greystoke seine animalischen Instinkte in der Wildnis wieder entdeckt, macht Spaß. Vor allem, da Alexander Skarsgårds ('Hüter der Erinnerung - The Giver') durchtrainierter Körper absolut sehenswert ist. Kein Wunder, das seine Fitness und sein Ernährungsplan Thema Nummer eins sind - viel Text musste der gebürtige Schwede für den Streifen nicht lernen. Tarzan spricht wenig und bleibt in seiner Mimik eher stoisch. Dafür sind seine Schwingkünste an den Lianen beeindruckend.
Warner Bros. Unveils “modern, Very 2016” 'tarzan' At Hollywood Premiere
Tarzans Jane wird von Margot Robbie (26, 'Suicide Squad') als selbstbewusste junge Frau dargestellt. Doch als sie entführt wird, ist es doch ihr geliebter Mann, der sie retten muss. Christoph Waltz (59, 'James Bond 007: Spectre') schlüpft einmal mehr in die Rolle des Bösewichts und bleibt überraschend blass. Samuel L. Jackson (67, 'The Hateful Eight') fungiert als Sidekick, der einige Lacher auf seiner Seite hat, wenn er versucht, Tarzan durch die Tiefen des Dschungels zu folgen. Dafür ist er ein Profi im Umgang mit zwei Pistolen. Kommen da seine Westernkünste zur Geltung?
Die computergenerierten Tiere laufen den Schauspielern fast den Rang ab. Vor allem die Gorillas, bei denen Tarzan groß geworden ist, sind gruselig gut. Die Gefahr der Wildnis ist allgegenwärtig und wird nicht beschönigt. Sein Aufeinandertreffen mit Elefanten ist von majestätischer Eleganz und das Begrüßungsritual mit befreundeten Löwen zum Knutschen niedlich - aber auch ungewollt komisch. Generell beherrschen eine gewisse Situationskomik und Sprachwitz den Film. Kinder fragen Lord Greystoke zum Beispiel, ob er die Treppe nehme? Nein, er nehme stets die Vorhänge, antwortet dieser mit einem Augenzwinkern.
Es sind Flora und Fauna, die beeindrucken. Die Story selbst wirkt trotz des guten Ansatzes ein wenig konstruiert. Was man aus Sicht Afrikas dem Film vorwerfen kann: Warum muss ein Weißer die Bewohner des Kongo retten? Doch Tarzan ist im Grunde ja einer von ihnen. Seine Legende fasziniert Kinder in Europa und in Afrika.
The Legend Of Tarzan (2016)
'Legend of Tarzan' ist ein Muss für alle Fans von Eric Northman, dem Vampir, den Alexander Skarsgard sieben Staffeln lang in 'True Blood' verkörpert hat. Auch Fans von Tarzan kommen auf ihre Kosten. Trotz einiger Schwächen im Drehbuch ist das neueste Dschungelabenteuer ein Streifen für einen amüsanten Popcorn-Kinoabend.Tell us about Jane’s story in this? “The story picks up about eight years after they’ve moved back to London, so there’s no, ‘Me Tarzan. You Jane’ situation. It’s like the typical Tarzan story done in reverse in that they’re married and living in 19th century London, and then they’re drawn back to Africa. Neither of them fit into London society very well, and they end up going back to the Congo where Jane grew up. She moved there with her father when she was young because he was doing research, so that’s home for her. She’s extremely excited about going home and John Clayton – Tarzan – is extremely trepidatious about going home. He’s scared about putting them in danger and, more so, about the person that he was when he was there. So it’s a big adventure, and there’s an epic love between husband and wife. I wanted them to be very dependent on each other because of that love, but also – since they are apart for a lot of the movie – I wanted them to be very independent too. I wanted Jane to be very strong and composed. I wanted her to have a massive emotional strength in the way that he has physical strength. He needs her, as much as she needs him.”
And you have red hair? “Initially, they wanted me to be blonde, because that’s the first thing that a studio says: ‘Make sure that she’s blonde!’ But in the 19
Century Victorian era, if you were going to be the most gorgeous girl, you’d be a red head. That was the most sought after hair colour back then. Queen Elizabeth used to have all those wigs made with the red hair; she’d literally pick girls off the street with red hair and have wigs made. Plus, I wanted to look different than I normally do. So we did a bunch of wig fittings and tried all the different colours, and they said, ‘You’re right: red hair does work.’”
Margot Robbie Enters Talks For 'tarzan' And 'z For Zachariah'
There have been so many versions of the Tarzan story…did you hesitate in taking the role? “I definitely hesitated. I said, ‘I don’t want to play a damsel in distress.’ It didn’t look like a project for me. And my team said, ‘No, you should read it. It’s a different take on the story and a different take on the character.’ I read it and then I was like, ‘Yes. I’m in.’ I loved the script. I spoke to [director] David Yates and clarified things…I really said, ‘I will not be the damsel. I do not want to be crying for the while movie about my husband waiting to be saved.’ I was not going to do that. When she’s held captive, she should be kicking and screaming, and I wanted her to be smart too. I wanted her to be figuring out how she’s going to get out of the situation herself. He totally agreed, and I was very happy with the version that he wanted to create.”
How was working with Alexander Skarsgard? “It was amazing! We’d met before we did the shoot, and I already knew that we got along so well. He’s literally the loveliest person, so that wasn’t an issue at all. He’s very easy to be around. I have a lot of close Swedish friends, so maybe it’s a Swedish thing. My best friend is Swedish, but I don’t know. We just got along really well. That was easy.”
Alexander worked hard to get so buff for the role. Did you have to work out too? “No. I didn’t work hard, physically, at all. It was tremendously unfair, and I was revelling in it. It is so rare that you are the female who is wearing more clothes than the male! I could eat what I wanted and do what I wanted, and if I put on any weight, I was like, ‘Well, it’s the 19th century Victorian era, so having a bit of weight is probably an attractive thing.’ It’s like the red hair. She’s looking great. Back then, this would have been all the rage. So, no, I’m not getting thin just for the sake of getting thin. My character doesn’t need to be thin. I did personal training throughout just to keep some level of fitness, because on set, the hours are crazy, and I was running around all the time. But it was nothing like training for
Margot Robbie Begins Filming 'tarzan' After Mystery Boyfriend Is Revealed!: Photo 3185974
! I didn’t need to be tremendously strong the way that Alexander did. I just needed to have enough fitness to be able to run around for six months.”
Could you actually tease Alexander about that? “Oh, I was terrible. I was awful. I would eat things in front of him, and he would have tears in his eyes! I would actually feel bad and be like, ‘I’m so sorry.’ He would be like, ‘What did you do on the weekend?’ and I’m like, ‘Oh my god, it was so fun! We went out and did this, I ate this.’ He’s like, ‘No, no, no, no. I don’t want to hear what you did. Tell me what you ate. Tell me exactly what you ate.’ I’m like, ‘First, I had…’ It was like food porn for him listening to that.”
You have been doing very interesting work…what have you learned from the various people that you’ve worked with? “What became evident to me was that you can be in a big position of power like Martin Scorsese or Leonardo DiCaprio on
Margot Robbie On Tarzan Sex Scenes:
, and you can still be incredibly respectful to anyone on set. I’ve also seen the flipside of that, with actors who aren’t at their level behaving badly on set. And I’ve always thought, ‘How do they get away with that? Imagine what the A-list actors would be like if that’s what they’re doing!’ But the A-listers tend to be the most gracious,
There have been so many versions of the Tarzan story…did you hesitate in taking the role? “I definitely hesitated. I said, ‘I don’t want to play a damsel in distress.’ It didn’t look like a project for me. And my team said, ‘No, you should read it. It’s a different take on the story and a different take on the character.’ I read it and then I was like, ‘Yes. I’m in.’ I loved the script. I spoke to [director] David Yates and clarified things…I really said, ‘I will not be the damsel. I do not want to be crying for the while movie about my husband waiting to be saved.’ I was not going to do that. When she’s held captive, she should be kicking and screaming, and I wanted her to be smart too. I wanted her to be figuring out how she’s going to get out of the situation herself. He totally agreed, and I was very happy with the version that he wanted to create.”
How was working with Alexander Skarsgard? “It was amazing! We’d met before we did the shoot, and I already knew that we got along so well. He’s literally the loveliest person, so that wasn’t an issue at all. He’s very easy to be around. I have a lot of close Swedish friends, so maybe it’s a Swedish thing. My best friend is Swedish, but I don’t know. We just got along really well. That was easy.”
Alexander worked hard to get so buff for the role. Did you have to work out too? “No. I didn’t work hard, physically, at all. It was tremendously unfair, and I was revelling in it. It is so rare that you are the female who is wearing more clothes than the male! I could eat what I wanted and do what I wanted, and if I put on any weight, I was like, ‘Well, it’s the 19th century Victorian era, so having a bit of weight is probably an attractive thing.’ It’s like the red hair. She’s looking great. Back then, this would have been all the rage. So, no, I’m not getting thin just for the sake of getting thin. My character doesn’t need to be thin. I did personal training throughout just to keep some level of fitness, because on set, the hours are crazy, and I was running around all the time. But it was nothing like training for
Margot Robbie Begins Filming 'tarzan' After Mystery Boyfriend Is Revealed!: Photo 3185974
! I didn’t need to be tremendously strong the way that Alexander did. I just needed to have enough fitness to be able to run around for six months.”
Could you actually tease Alexander about that? “Oh, I was terrible. I was awful. I would eat things in front of him, and he would have tears in his eyes! I would actually feel bad and be like, ‘I’m so sorry.’ He would be like, ‘What did you do on the weekend?’ and I’m like, ‘Oh my god, it was so fun! We went out and did this, I ate this.’ He’s like, ‘No, no, no, no. I don’t want to hear what you did. Tell me what you ate. Tell me exactly what you ate.’ I’m like, ‘First, I had…’ It was like food porn for him listening to that.”
You have been doing very interesting work…what have you learned from the various people that you’ve worked with? “What became evident to me was that you can be in a big position of power like Martin Scorsese or Leonardo DiCaprio on
Margot Robbie On Tarzan Sex Scenes:
, and you can still be incredibly respectful to anyone on set. I’ve also seen the flipside of that, with actors who aren’t at their level behaving badly on set. And I’ve always thought, ‘How do they get away with that? Imagine what the A-list actors would be like if that’s what they’re doing!’ But the A-listers tend to be the most gracious,
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