Margot Robbie Films Z For Zachariah

Is a 2015 film about the meager remains of life after a nuclear disaster that is never explained. The film stars Margot Robbie, Chiwetel Ejiofor and Chris Pine. These 3 make up the entire cast.

I’m unclear what the title means. The end? The world has ended. Desolation is everywhere except for a valley in the Southern U.S., where through some miracle of mountains and wind patterns the radiation hasn’t struck.


Ann (Robbie) is there, on her family farm, by herself. She has food and water. She’s surviving, but she’s alone except for her dog. She plays the organ in the small chapel her father built and keeps her faith close.

Chiwetel Ejiofor, Chris Pine And Margot Robbie Board Z For Zachariah

One day she finds a man in a pool of toxic water that comes in from outside the valley. She gets him out and nurses him back to health. He is John Loomis (Ejiofor). He’s a scientist who was underground when the world went nuclear.

Ann’s inexperienced as far as men are concerned. Ann offers herself to John for sex, but for reasons I did not understand he wants to wait. They live together, work the land and form a bond. John sees a way to generate electricity using the waterfall above the pool of toxic water. The only building material he has is the chapel.

One day Caleb (Pine) shows up. Another survivor. Caleb is a coal miner who was underground for the last several months in a nearby mine.


Film Margot Robbie By Mimi Gif

John is territorial. Suddenly the farm and everything on it is his. Ann takes Caleb in. Caleb manages to convince Ann to let the lumber in the chapel be used to build a water wheel. Caleb and John build it together.

The ending is ambiguous. John talks about rebuilding. Starting over. But when it comes to cooperating for the good of the collective remains of the human race, he makes a selfish decision.


The performances from the three actors were nuanced and strong, particularly Margot Robbie. This is a quiet film, there’s not much exciting action. The tension is all psychological.

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Many reviews paint Caleb as a villain. I’m not sure he is, although his arrival does create tension. John drinks too much and did something awful while he was on the road before he found Ann’s valley. The only character I’m 100% convinced is clear headed and strong enough to continue to carry the weight of the human race is Ann.


Many reviews paint Caleb as a villain. I’m not sure he is, although his arrival does create tension. John drinks too much and did something awful while he was on the road before he found Ann’s valley. The only character I’m 100% convinced is clear headed and strong enough to continue to carry the weight of the human race is Ann.